Our So geht's brochures - knowledge of repairs
With our “So geht’s” brochures, we offer comprehensive knowledge for every technician who is interested. Complex technology is simply explained in a thematically compact structure while giving sufficient background knowledge. The chronological procedure for the repair, including many tips and tricks, supplement the specialist knowledge on a particular topic. Enjoy reading.

Step by step to success
– Comprehensive explanations
– High-quality images
– Useful background knowledge
– LED lighting systems
– Transmission diagnostics
– Calibrating radar systems
– Calibrating the front camera
– Timing belts
– Wheel alignment

A picture is worth a thousand words:
Visual aids for individual steps are sometimes necessary. Where exactly is the component located? What is the difference between part A and part B? What does the tool that is needed look like? We have visualised everything you need to know with graphics and photos.